The week ended with an awesome 20-mile run to Stanhope and back. This was the first time I had ever done this. I always had a fear that I wouldn't make it, or have a bad running day, or something would happen and I would be stuck out in the middle of nowhere. Rachael had a great run, too, so it was nice to not have to worry about motivating her while I was "working" hard on my own. So, this was a great run on many levels.
We arranged to have Bill meet us in Stanhope and refill our fluids. Good thing because I was really hot and thirsty when we got there. It was a good time to refill and have a brief break. The babies got to play at the park, too. :) We had 3 gels on the run so that was good practice. Rachael is finally starting to tolerate them. yeah!
OK, now for the negatives - I have been getting a tightness in my chest around mile 11-13. This is worrysome, but not enough to stop running. When I got home, I had some really nasty blisters on my toes. I think I'll take a break for a few days.

I have been battling the scale this year as well. :( This week I feel like I finally am starting to conquer the scale. Well, ok the waistline. Looks like I need nearly 30 mile weeks to make all this happen. That's the magic number.
Total weekly training mileage: 28
9 weeks to the startline
Nice Blister!! Let it dry out and you will be good to go!! Does the tightness in your chest stick around or does it leave? Have you tried opening up your chest and temporarily squeezing your shoulder blades together to get that chest open when you get tired?