Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Recovery and Reflection

This week brought some recovery time from the marathon. I did 3 miles early in the week to loosen up from the marathon. It was a good run. Later in the week I went out for 6 miles with Rachael, J, and another friend. I think 6 was the perfect distance. I was able to keep pushing forward, but was getting tired and achy at the end. Rachael had some aches in her knee so she stopped early. She will need some more time.

I have been so excited about my training season and the positive results I earned that I am looking, casually, at a fall marathon. The Quad Cities Marathon seems like one that will be fun. I'll see how training goes this summer and then make a decision later. The next increase in registration fees isn't until 2 weeks before the marathon so I have some time.

In reflecting on this season's training, it is boasting with success. The time I got to spend with my daughter was immeasurable. Personally, I had a PR in all of my races. Like most of my life, I set a goal and pursued it. I am very driven to success and very competitive. Last I was just trying to complete each run. This year I had loftier goals. By the end of the marathon, I cut about 17 1/2 minutes from my time. My average pace this spring was around 9:30-9:35. Mile 19 on the marathon was a 9-minute pace. That is just amazing to me. It felt great. I still had energy at the end, too. I was exhausted, but felt I could have kept going if I had to. I am within 20 min from qualifying for Boston. I think I can make a 4-hr marathon and that is just 10 min from qualifying time for my age. In 3 years it will qualify! Hmmm...what does the future hold for me???

Weekly training mileage: 9 miles

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