Sunday, August 21, 2011

hard week

This was perhaps my worst attempt at running this week. :(

I was hurting from the 15.5 mile run last Sunday and I think it really took a toll on me and ripped up my body. Tuesday I went out for 5 miles. I didn't think I was going to finish, but just kept pushing through all the pain and discomfort. I finally made it to the end. I was hoping for 8 miles, but just couldn't do it. The first mile was a good pace, but then I dropped another minute or more thereafter.

The second run of the week was worse! I was so achy all week and hadn't been getting enough sleep because school started again. Friday after school I got home and wanted to get at least 8 miles in before the weekend. I wanted to take a day off before my big run so I had to get out Friday. The temp didn't seem too bad and I was determined to get this run done! The first mile wasn't awful, but I was really hurting. I think I saw every 1/10 mile go by on the watch. :( By 2 miles I was miserable. I dropped about 90 second from the pace and kept getting slower. I knew I could do so I just kept pushing through. I kept negotiating with myself and the route I would take. By about mile 2.7 I just couldn't do it anymore. I walked the rest of the way home and completed just under 4 miles.

I determined that no matter how high the humidity, 78-80 was my threshold for running. When I got home, I had sweat running down every inch of my body and hurt so incredibly much. I iced my shins and had a shower. ack. It was such a difficult week that I didn't even do my big run. I will try this later or even wait until next weekend. This whole thing had given me a discouraged feeling for a fall marathon. The body just isn't working lately.

Total weekly training mileage: 9 miles

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