Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pounding the pavement again

After a 10-day hiatus, I'm back to running again. We were on vacation and I decided I would take a break from running so as not to get burned out and set myself up for unrealistic expectations only to get discouraged. So, I told myself it was ok to not run for the 10 days.

During the week I did a 5 and 7 mile run for a total of 12 miles. These were rather difficult runs, but I think it was the heat more than anything else. While it was a tad cooler for the shorter run, I was still really sweaty and hot; it makes me sleep great at night!

If I want to be ready for a fall marathon, I needed to do at least a 12 mile run this weekend. Tonight I got 12 miles in. It was a great run, but really hot and humid again. I did an Ethanol Loop and then joined Bill for the last 7. We were both running strong the whole way, averaging 9-min mile! That is really fast for him and quite fast for me. I felt like I could have done the marathon today; it was a good run. I really needed that confidence booster.

Rachael is still recovering from the marathon with hamstring issues, but is stretching and doing exercises so hopefully she will be back strong this fall. Cross Country starts in a couple days! She's going to the orthopedic doctor on Monday so we should know something then.

While on vacation, Bill saw a great one-day deal on a Garmin and ordered one! It should be here this next week. I can't wait to try it out. It should be nice to get some detail about my run and how my body works on a run. Everyone tells me it's like having a trainer with you the whole time. I hope I feel that way with it because I need someone to keep me going sometimes.

Weekly training mileage: 24 miles

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