Monday, July 11, 2011


Phew! I'm exhausted after this week! I actually did 3, 6, 3, 9 this week. The first 3-miler I did with Bill. The second one I did with Rachael to see how her recovery was coming. I think she has an injury so we'll be talking to the dr about this at her physical this week!

For the 6 mile run I really had no intentions of doing 6 miles. I was really only going to do 5, an Ethanol Loop, but it was sooooo foggy out I didn't think it would be safe and I have been a little gun shy from the skunk last week. So, I ran what I thought was a little shy of 5 miles, got back and thought hmmm, that was a little fast. I mapped it out on mapmyrun because I wanted to know how short of 5 I was and discovered it was really 6.33!! It was at least an 8-min mile. Yes I maintained that for a good 6 miles. sheez. I never would have guessed. I'm also assuming the other runs have been rather fast as well because I was always surprised when I got home, how quickly it went.

It has been so incredibly hot and humid lately, but I've been out running. Saturday I wanted to do a 10-12 mile run, but it was just so darn hot so I waited until Sunday morning. I ran and Rachael biked, just to see if biking bothered her at all. Again, it was so incredibly humid that I drank 40 oz in an hour and a half. I felt so run down by heat that I just quit. This is the second time ever that I didn't finish a planned run. The difference? This time it didn't bother me. I ran my heart out again. I didn't feel like I was going that fast, but finished the 9 miles in about 90 minutes. While that alone doesn't seem like a fast run, it includes about 10-15 minutes of walking.

My shins have been feeling pretty good so I think I am getting healed well. I am very excited to be 3 weeks post-marathon and have a 21-mile week. My motivation has been next to zero, but once I get out, it is great to be out. I've had some really tough runs this week, but the speed and heat are probably culprits of that.

Total training mileage: 21 miles

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