Saturday, July 2, 2011

Stinky scare

This was a weird week of running. I only got 2 runs in this week, but they were weird. The first one was with J, 7 miles. I felt like I was really working to complete the run and that we were going really fast. When we got done, she said it was a 9:45 pace. I was sure it was 9:20-9:30.

The second run was about 10 miles. Bill got up early and ran with me. I was planning to do 2 Ethanol Loops, but we met a "friend" about 2 miles into the run. I was daydreaming and lost in my run when Bill said, "SKUNK!" I heard what he said. I knew what he said. For some reason, "raccoon" registered in my mind so I didn't think much of it. He repeated, "Skunk! Coming at us!" OMG!! We both stopped looking at this skunk walk toward us, tail up. I immediately became petrified and turned and started running the other way. He kept coming after us! Great, that's just what I need: a tomato bath that will still leave me smelling like skunk! We probably only ran about 1/10 mile when Bill said, "He's gone. He went in the ditch." We turned around and went back the way we came, both of us keeping a close eye on the ditch where he went in. phew! I've seen skunk in fields and ditches next to me, but never one that came after me, tail raised! Yikes, that was a bit scary.

I felt like I was really working on this run, pushing every step. I am at zero confidence about a fall marathon. If I do it, I will be all alone I think. Rachael and J probably won't be there. I get so motivated and mentally and physically pushed when I'm with them. I don't think there would be any PR set if I go alone.

Weekly training mileage: 17 miles
Total June mileage: 105 miles

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